Lessons are held at our parent school, Music Lessons Express. Our address is 1344 Cross Creek Circle, Suite 3, Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: (850) 219-3653
Families are billed automatically on the first of every month through our parent school, Music Lessons Express. All payments are done electronically; families will provide a method of payment (either credit card, debit card, refillable credit/debit card, or bank account number) to be charged every month; NFSS does not accept checks or cash. NFSS will pro-rate the first month of lessons for students who begin mid-month, but lessons will not be pro-rated after that initial month.
There are no long-term contracts; however, if you would like to take a month off, you must inform the office in writing (either by email or letter) before the first of the month. When you return, there will be a $50 re-registration fee, and your lesson time and instructor are not guaranteed to be the same. For current lessons rates, please go to https://musiclessonsexpress.com/rates/.
Our annual tuition is divided into 12 equal monthly payments. For a full calendar, including holidays and breaks where NFSS will be closed, view our CALENDAR.
Missed Lessons
Parents/students must give instructors at least 24 hours' notice for any missed lessons to have them made up by the instructor. Lessons missed because of an instructor's absence will always be made up at a mutually agreed-upon time or covered by a substitute instructor. Lessons missed due to holiday closures are not made up, and tuition is not adjusted for missed lessons.
If students arrive late to a lesson, instructors are not required to extend the lesson past the regular end time.
Instructors reserve the right to end a lesson early for behavioral issues.
Music Lessons Express, our “parent” school, hosts two studio-wide recitals each year, one in December and one in April. These are open to all students enrolled in lessons at MLE and NFSS and are free to participate in and attend. NFSS students will also perform in special group recitals throughout the year.
NFSS will provide all method books, sheet music, and folders at no cost to the families (beyond the initial registration fee). Provided materials do not include instruments and instrument accessories such as bows, chin rests, strings, or footstools; students are responsible for providing these items.